All financial services, banking products, investments, pension and estate planning as well as all private, occupational and company insurance policies from a single point of contact – but from the most diverse, ideal providers: That’s us – AMB Allfinanz Makler!
This gives you numerous advantages – all your financial needs in one place while saving time and effort in managing different accounts and contracts.
We, AMB Allfinanz Makler Berlin, stand for an unusually wide range of international products and services, including banking and investment products, pension plans and all types of insurance such as life insurance, health insurance, property insurance and much more, right up to the most individual special insurance policies.
By bundling all these services under one roof, you can benefit from various synergy effects – for example, often significant premium advantages or higher insurance cover than if you were to buy directly from the provider or insurance agent.
Another advantage is that almost all insurers offer us – together with partners – discounts and benefits as a purchasing group. This can take the form of lower insurance premiums, lower interest rates on loans, improved insurance cover or special investment conditions. You always receive at least the same benefits as with your current insurer despite lower premiums – thanks to the grandfathering guarantee. And 5-30% possible premium advantage even with the same insurer.
It is not always the best option to bundle all your financial and insurance needs with a single insurance company. It is much more advisable to compare the various offers and conditions of different providers to ensure that you get the best products and services at the best conditions.
The reputation and financial strength of the provider is also taken into account in our selection process, for example in the case of long-term pension offers, to ensure that our respective specialists find the optimum solution for you.
We carry out this entire review in a comprehensively digitalized manner, also making use of numerous rating agencies such as „Franke und Bornberg“, „Morgen & Morgen“, various comparison calculators and portals, software analyses as well as our decades of industry knowledge and additional external specialists together with you.
See for yourself!
You can expect commitment, understanding and heart!
(Selection of rating seals from our excellent insurance partners, e.g. InterRisk Group)
Optimization and integration of your insurance and finances
Insurance: As independent insurance and financial brokers, we have connections to over 90% of all insurance companies and hundreds of investment companies in Germany and in some cases CH/A/LUX/LIE. This puts us in a position to provide you with guaranteed objective and neutral advice. Thanks to our extensive expertise in all insurance, financial and pension issues, we can also extend your advice to cover all necessary areas. The result is a perfectly integrated concept with clear added value for you. Naturally, you play an active role in its creation. As advocates of 100% transparency, we present all sensible action and product alternatives in a comprehensible manner and involve you in every decision. Together we will find the optimum solution!
We offer you and your loved ones secure yet affordable cover for risks such as disability, occupational disability and serious illness. We will also find the best individual offer for your tangible assets, such as your house, furniture or car. If you would like to compare less complex insurance policies yourself, you can use our powerful comparison calculators directly and take out some policies easily online.
Would you like to buy an apartment for your own use or as an investment, or realize your dream and build a house? In all these cases, you will benefit from affordable real estate financing that is optimally tailored to your individual requirements. With a wealth of experience and expertise, we can advise you on important topics such as equity ratio, term, special repayments, refinancing and follow-up financing, building society savings and much more. We almost always find a solution, even in difficult financing cases!
Asset accumulation & protection
There are many different ways to build up and increase your wealth. The exact path that leads you to your goal depends on many different factors and must be considered individually. But the general rule is: whoever starts early wins! The earlier you start building up your assets, the longer your money can work. Let’s find the ideal solution together!
Asset management on a new level
With partner banks in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg
Gold, silver, platinum and rare earths
For centuries, buying gold and silver has been one of the best ways of preserving the value of your assets. The selling prices for precious metals from our suppliers are usually significantly lower (up to 10%!) than the current purchase price for end customers on the open market or from your bank due to the purchase volume and, above all, lower issue premiums!
One of the ideal savings plans is a gold savings plan. We will be happy to provide you with details on investing in tangible assets: Gold and precious metals
Retirement provision
If you are healthy, have a fulfilling job and know that the whole family is well provided for and secure, you have all the prerequisites to be happy. We help you to lay the necessary foundations for a carefree life. Together, we will plan a pension plan for you that best suits your individual life situation and your ideas for the future. We have various building blocks at our disposal, such as insurance, funds, installment savings plans, real estate and more. It goes without saying that we also take into account any state subsidies such as the Riester or Rürup pension and tax benefits.
Let’s work together to create the basis for a future without money worries. The rest is up to you!
Operational insurance requirements
Public liability? Business interruption? Professional liability?
You should check these business insurance policies carefully… !
Corporate loans and corporate financing
For financing requirements of € 20,000 – € 20 million, through around 150 SME financiers throughout Germany.
For expansion, innovation, securing liquidity.
Up to €150,000 invoiced in just 2 weeks
Receivables that are paid too late are often an obstacle to business development.This is why more and more companies are taking the opportunity to sell outstanding receivables to a specialist. This gives them quick liquidity and security for a small discount.
Credit comparisons and brokerage
Use our free CREDIT COMPARATOR to secure the most favorable credit offers directly
Estate planning and dispositions
Make estate planning – simple.
As your financial advisors, we have expanded our service to include this important aspect of provision. In cooperation with the specialist lawyers of Deutsche Vorsorgedatenbank AG, these issues can be regulated in a long-term, legally secure and fairly calculated manner.
sowie weiterer internationaler Gesellschaften in A, CH, NL, LUX, LIE
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